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Streamline your online payment with USD Corporate Card

Get Vella's virtual card for secure and flexible online transactions. Enjoy streamlined purchases, reduced costs, and better financial control.

One Card for All your Business Needs

Vella Corporate Card comes with a range of features to help businesses a their online spending and track their expenses in real-time

Make payments globally

Spend and make business payments across borders without the need for limits or currency conversions.

Enhanced Security

Freeze cards when not in use. We prioritize encryption to ensure that all transactions are safe and secure, protecting businesses from fraud and authorized transactions.

Controlled Expenses

Gain real time visibility into your team and corporate spends while you track expenses. Issue cards to your staffs, monitor and set custom limits.

Instant reconciliation

Reconcile corporate spends easily. Enjoy reduced paperwork while we simplify your accounting processes, as all transactions are automatically recorded and categorized.

Cards that go the extra mile

By using Vella Finance Corporate Card, Businesses can enjoy a range of benefits, including

Improved Financial Control

Greater control over your online spending, reduce the risk of overspending .

Reduced Cost

Avoid expensive currency conversions and benefit from competitive exchange rates.

Streamlined Purchasing Process

Fast, convenient, and secure way to make online purchases and payments, saving businesses time and effort.

Ready to streamline your online payment and subscriptions?

Sign up for Vella Finance's Corporate Card today and start enjoying the benefits of a fast, secure, and convenient virtual card. Contact us to learn more or get started now.
Vella Technologies Inc

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